
Unitimes 精选 | 波场透露其计划将与以太坊进行合作;加密货币在斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚的采用率持续上升

Unitimes  ·  · 5 年前
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2019 年 4 月 6 日,以太币交易总额为 1,868,673 ETH ,比前日下降 32.28%;日活跃用户量 159,885,比前日下降 13.94%;新增合约 33,927 个,比前日上升  22.79%;平均交易费用为 10.73 GWEI,比前日下降 9.82%;最活跃合约为 0X24B663...;通证代币交易总额为 285,997 个,比前日下降 16.59%。

April 6, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 1,868,673 ETH, decreasing 32.28% (compared to April 5); the number of daily active users is 159,885, decreasing 13.94%; the number of new contracts is 33,927, increasing 22.79%; average fees are 10.73 GWEI, decreasing 9.82%; the most active contract is 0X24B663...; tokens transferred volume is 285,997 , decreasing 16.59%.



波场(dapp 和智能合约平台)将与以太坊进行项目合作。波场的首席执行官孙宇晨说:“今年我们将看到波场正式与以太坊(ETH)合作,共同做出一些有利于整体行业发展的事情。”孙宇晨创立的波场建立在以太坊网络之上,并且与前宿主处于竞争关系,孙宇晨此举是为了使波场在双方共享的区块链技术各方面超越以太坊。自 2018 年 6 月从以太坊独立以来,波场在建立和部署 DAPP 和智能合约方面已成为以太坊强大的竞争对手。然而,据他所说,这仅仅是为了激励两个项目各自发挥其最大优势。孙宇晨认为现在是合作的好时机,这会为行业带来更积极的发展。

Tron’s Justin Sun Reveals Plans to Collaborate with Ethereum on Projects

Tron, the dapps and smart contracts platform is to collaborate with Ethereum on projects. Tron's CEO Sun said, “This year we will see TRON (TRX) officially collaborating with Ethereum (ETH) to do something good for the industry.” Sun had placed Tron which was founded on the Ethereum network in competition with the former host, aiming only to overtake it in every aspect of blockchain technology the two companies share. Since its independence from Ethereum in June 2018, Tron has grown into a formidable competitor against Ethereum in building and deployment of dapps and smart contracts. However, according to him, this was only intended to incentivize the two projects to do their best. Now, Sun believes it’s time for the two to collaborate and bring about even more positive development to the industry.


欧洲比特币经纪公司 Bitpanda 获得欧盟的支付服务提供商许可证

根据欧洲法律,总部位于维也纳的比特币经纪公司 Bitpanda 已获得奥地利金融监管机构颁发的支付服务指令2(PSD2)许可证。该许可证允许公司提供更多的金融产品和服务,以弥合新兴数字资产格局与主流金融市场之间的鸿沟。2019 年 4 月 4 日,该公司在其媒体账户上发布了一篇博文,宣布获得了 PSD2 许可证。根据公告,奥地利金融市场管理局(FMA)颁发是该许可证的颁发方。PSD2 许可证面向欧盟(EU)和欧洲经济区(EEA)的金融服务提供商。Bitpanda 是欧洲资历最久和规模最大的比特币兑换平台之一,也是首批获得 PSD2 许可证的加密货币公司之一。

European Bitcoin Brokerage Bitpanda Receives EU Payment Service Provider License

Bitpanda, the Vienna-based Bitcoin broker, has received the Payments Services Directive 2 (PSD2) license from Austrian financial regulators in accordance with European law. The license allows the company to offer more financial products and services that bridge the gap between the emerging digital assets landscape and mainstream financial markets. In a blog post published on the company’s Medium account on April 4, 2019, the company announced the receipt of the PSD2 license. According to the announcement, the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) issued the license.The PSD2 license covers financial services providers in both the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). Bitpanda is one of the oldest and largest Bitcoin exchange platforms in Europe and is also one of the first cryptocurrency companies to receive the PSD2 license.



在东欧和中欧,虚拟货币的采用率一直较高,在克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚可以看到大量的加密货币使用案例。一些零售商店正在其服务中整合以加密货币为中心的支付应用程序,并提供各种支持代币。Elipay 是一款由 Eligma 牵头开发、可在 iOS 和 Android 上使用的加密货币支付应用程序。该应用程序支持比特币、比特币现金、以太坊币及其本地代币 ELI。Elipay 自上线以来已发展进入多个行业,在食品和饮料、时尚、电子、体育、玩具、汽车、旅游等领域取得了显著的成绩。他们甚至将业务扩展到了出租车服务中,使顾客可使用加密货币支付车费。

Cryptocurrency adoption on the rise in Slovenia and Croatia

The adoption of virtual currency has been riding high in Eastern and Central Europe with Croatia and Slovenia seeing waves of use-cases. Several retail stores are integrating crypto-centric payments applications within their services, and offering a variety of support coins. Elipay, the crypto-payments applications on iOS and Android,  is spearheaded by Eligma. The application supports Bitcoin [BTC], Bitcoin Cash [BCH], Ethereum [ETH] and its native token ELI. Elipay has entered several industries within its existence, making its mark in food and drinks, fashion, electronics, sports, toys, auto, travel and others. They have even joined forces with a taxi service, with the fare to be paid in cryptocurrencies.


瑞波币联合创始人向加州一所大学捐赠价值 2500 万美元的瑞波币

瑞波币联合创始人 Chris Larsen 宣布参加星期四在旧金山州立大学(SFSU)举办的庆祝活动,并向该大学将捐赠 2500 万美元的瑞波币。该大学表示,此次捐赠是迄今为止美国大学收到价值最大的一笔加密货币捐赠。正如 CCN 所报道,周五,瑞波币在欧洲市场开市前上涨了近 13%。瑞波币在 2018 年 6 月宣布了大学区块链研究计划(UBRI),此次对 SFSU 的捐赠是其计划的后续。UBRI 向 17 个学术机构承诺捐赠价值 5000 万美元的各类资源,包括资金、相关专业知识和技术资源。

Ripple Co-Founder Donates $25 Million in XRP to California University

Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen announced to attendees at a San Francisco State University celebration on Thursday that the company would donate $25 million in XRP to the university. The University stated the Ripple bequest was the largest cryptocurrency donation ever made to a U.S. university. As CCN reported,  Ripple (XRP) was up almost 13-percent ahead of the open of European markets on Friday. The donation to SFSU was a continuation of Ripple’s University Blockchain Research Initiative announced in June of 2018. The UBRI committed $50 million in resources that included funding, subject matter expertise and technical resources to 17 institutions.



Joseph Young




How can we have terms of service for the blockchain, as opposed to having independent terms for each particular compatible protocol implementation?

Leaving aside for now whether it's a desirable end goal.


Jimmy Song



学习 HODL 是一门艺术,这会你的决定不受这些情绪影响。

Getting euphoric when the price rises or getting depressed when the price lowers is natural.

Learning to HODL is the art of not letting these emotions affect your decisions.


Eric Conner




Every once in awhile I start to think the crypto space has actually matured and then I realize people still think Litecoin has value.


Erik Voorhees



That money becomes digital and borderless is as predictable as that mail, movies, and media became  digital and borderless. Has there been any trend so predictable?


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