专栏名称: Economist
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Economist  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-30 18:08
点击箭头处“蓝色字”,关注我们哦!!Yet the emotions the sight aroused were less about the building itself than about what losing it might mean. Notre Dame is an expression of humanity at its collective best. Nobody could look up into that vaulted ceiling without wondering at the cumulative genius of the thousands of anonymous craftsmen who, over a century and a half, realised a vision so grand in its structural ambition and so delicate in its hand-chiselled detail. Its survival through 850 years of political turbulence—through war, revolution and Nazi occupation—binds the present to the past.然而这所引发的情绪与其说是关于建筑本身,不如说是关于失去它可能意味着什么。巴黎圣母院是人类集体智慧最佳的体现。仰望它的拱形天花,世人无不惊叹于成千上万无名工匠的技艺积累,他们花了一 ………………………………

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