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英文报刊中的地道表达 ┆ 第127期 ┆ 如何表达“操之过急”、“一举摧毁”

英文讲学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-18 11:09
👆 如何星标公众号一、积累一个习惯用语我从《华尔街日报》近日版面中, 挑选了一篇关于“人工智能” (artificial intelligence) 的社论文章, 标题为“Beware the Frothy AI Frenzy” (警惕AI泡沫), 作者担心各大公司在AI布局与建设上过于“贪功冒进”, 原文开头如此写道:Artificial intelligence continues both to astound and confound. Google’s recent launch of its new Gemini AI tools was a mess, producing images of Founding Fathers and Nazi soldiers as people of color. When asked if Elon Musk or Adolf Hitler had a more negative effect on society, Gemini responded that it was “difficult to say.” Google pulled the product over “inaccuracies.” AI is the next wave of computing and human interface but it’s definitely out over its skis.(人工智能继续让人感到震惊和困惑。谷歌最近发布的人工智能模型Gemini可谓一团糟糕, 它将美国国父和纳粹士兵制作成了有色人种。当 ………………………………

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