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A Technical Overview of AI & ML in 2018 & Trends for 2019

待字闺中  · 公众号  · 程序员  · 2018-12-24 09:43
IntroductionThe last few years have been a dream run for Artificial Intelligence enthusiasts and machine learning professionals. These technologies have evolved from being a niche to becoming mainstream, and are impacting millions of lives today. Countries now have dedicated AI ministers and budgets to make sure they stay relevant in this race.The same has been true for a data science professional. A few years back — you would have been comfortable knowing a few tools and techniques. Not anymore! There is so much happening in this domain and so much to keep pace with — it feels mind boggling at times.This is why I thought of taking a step back and looking at the developments in some of the key areas in Artificial Intelligence from a data science practitioners’ perspective. What were these breakthroughs? What happened in 2018 and what can be expected in 2019? Read th ………………………………

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