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十点读书会  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2020-10-22 21:00
 ♪点击上方图标,马上收听双语节目点击打卡,将有机会获得包邮纸质书一本哦!Today is Thursday, Oct.22, 2020.First, listen to the passage, then answer the question.首先,听下面的小短文,然后试着回答问题。 eat:I like to eat at home 在家吃I like to eat out 出去吃have:have breakfast 吃早饭have lunch 吃午饭have dinner 吃晚饭have a meal 吃顿饭Q1:In English,how do you say to "eat"?For example1. to pig out 一次吃很多事物,大吃特吃,胡吃海塞Example 1:I’m going to pig out tonight.我今晚要出去像这一样胡吃海塞一顿。Example 2:The food was free, so I pigged out.食物免费,所以我猛吃了一通。 2. to eat up吃完所有给你的食物Example : Come on, eat yourfood up!赶紧的,把东西吃完。 3. to pick at something不情愿地吃下少量的食 ………………………………

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