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经济学人 | 一周要闻 英国"放行"华为 雷诺CEO上任 维密CEO或辞职

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-02-17 18:00
【新朋友】点击标题下面蓝字【可可英语】加关注【老朋友】点击手机右上角图标【转发分享】内容Britain decided that it would not ban “high-risk vendors” from parts of its 5g network. Despite the generic language, the decision is mostly about Huawei, which will thus be able to continue supplying equipment despite an intense lobbying effort by American officials to block the Chinese firm on national-security grounds. Half-recognising that concern, Britain will monitor Huawei’s equipment and bar it from parts of the network deemed critical for security or safety. Elsewhere its market share will be limited to 35%.英国决定不禁止“高风险供应商”参与其部分5G网络。尽管使用了通用语言,但这一决定主要是针对华为公司。因此,尽管美国官员以国家安全为由极力游说封锁这家中国企业, ………………………………

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