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如何成为抖音网红?| 外刊泛读

英语书架  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-04 08:30
外刊阅读这两年短视频成为了新宠儿,抖音成为了国内许多年轻人每天都会刷的应用。它面向海外市场的版本Tiktok也同样成功,在海外收获了一大批用户,TikTok 声称拥有逾 10 亿活跃用户,也就是说它比 Twitter 和 Snapchat 加起来还更受欢迎。今天一起来通过一篇金融时报报道来了解一下吧~这是英语书架的外刊泛读专栏,不定期分享一些有意思的文章,供大家阅读涨姿势~How to become TikTok famous 如何成为 TikTok 网红?On a stormy night in October, a handful of Columbia University students met for the first time at the Sundial, the giant granite sphere that anchors the Manhattan campus. It was 11pm, cold and raining, but the group trekked here after being summoned by text messages and flyers pasted to dormitory doors and in the library. They were here to, in ………………………………

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