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【官方中文】Timespinner 现在已经加入中文

蒸汽动力SteamCN  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-02-06 20:44
游戏名称:Timespinner(纺时者)商店地址:https://store.steampowered.com/app/368620价格情况:-10% ¥ 63“在这场设计精美且以故事情节为主线的冒险之旅中,回到过去,改变命运,本游戏的灵感源于90年代经典的动作平台游戏。相关公告:点击下方空白区域查看隐藏内容 ▼Hey everyone! Great news today, Timespinner is now playable in 7 new languages! Yayy!Update 1.03Added 7 new language locales to the game! (French, Spanish, German, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese). Added a new Language Settings screen to the Title Screen (auto shown if never seen before).Added horizontal text scrolling to several menus.Fixed a bug where healing from items used before using a Warp Shard would not be applied.Adjusted UI spacing of wide buttons glyphs in text.Updated the credits to include th ………………………………

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