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【招聘】分子植物卓越中心Evangelos Tatsis研究组助理研究员招聘启事

iPlants  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-11 22:45
分子植物卓越中心Evangelos Tatsis研究组助理研究员招聘启事The group of Dr Evangelos Tatsis based at the Shanghai Institute for Plant Physiology and Ecology (SIPPE) invites applications from talented highly motivated scientists to join the group as Research Assistant at the level of Assistant Professor.Group DescriptionThe fundamental goal of our group is to determine how plants make natural products. Our major focus is to elucidate, understand and engineer the metabolic pathways which are responsible for the biosynthesis of natural products from Chinese medicinal plants. To address these important goals, we have an approach based on genomic resources, utilizing bioinformatics, molecular biology and enzymology techniques, with synthetic biology. Our lab is part of the Centre of Excellence for Plant & Microbial Science (CEPAMS) a collaboration between the Chinese A ………………………………

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