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安排!包机送学生回家丨School charters transport for students to return home

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-21 15:36
导读 昨日,位于大连的东北财经大学正式开启寒假。为了安全地送学生返乡,该校提供了包机、高铁专列、点对点送站服务。1月20日至23日,11899名东财学生将分四批离校。其中,学校安排了3架包机分别飞往太原和兰州,值机托运候机还有专用通道。As college students in China welcome this year's winter vacation in a critical time when the whole country is on high alert for a possible resurgence of COVID-19, universities in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province have stepped up efforts to escort students home. With 11,899 students bound for home by the end of the semester, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics chose to provide exclusive shuttle services for its students in four batches starting Jan 20, by arranging taxis, buses, high-speed rails and even chartered planes with the support ………………………………

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