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英文伴读 | The EASY Road Or The HARD Road

每日英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-04-08 15:00
Your educational journey is going to be hard. I can promise you that. There are two paths you can take, the easy road or the hard road. 我可以很确定地告诉你,你的求学过程,将会困难重重。你有两条路可选,容易的路,或者困难的路。If you choose the hard road, it means you choose to study when your friends are out partying. You start writing your report when the rest of the class don't even know the deadline yet. You're already awake at 5:00 a.m. on your way to the library when the rest of your friends are still sleeping. 如果你选择了困难的路,这就意味着,朋友们尽情欢乐时,你要选择努力学习;其他同学还不知道截止日期时,你已经开始写作业;凌晨五点,朋友们还在沉睡时,你已经起床出门,朝着图书馆走去。If you can find enough focus and motivation to do these har ………………………………

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