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Designing DIA note 116 -- Event Sourcing

星辰破  · 简书  ·  · 2019-07-16 11:01

11.2.3 Event Sourcing

event sourcing -- DDD (domain-driven design) technique, store all changes to the app state as a log of change events

aspect CDC event sourcing
app usage can use the DB in a mutable way, no need to be aware of CDC logic built on the basis of immutable events
CRUD read, insert, delete at will append-only, updates & deletes are discouraged / prohibited
log extraction low level (e.g. replication log) -- ensures data order event log -- reflect things at app level
  • powerful technique for data modeling -- record the user's actions as immutable events, rather the effect of those actions on a mutable DB
  • make app easier to evolve
  • help with debugging
event side effects
student cancelled their course enrollment - delete 1 record from the enrollments table
- add 1 cancel reason to the feed back table
the place is offered to the next person
  • event clearly expresses the intent of an action
  • side effects embed many assumptions about the way of using data
  • new event could be chained off the existing event with event sourcing
  • similar to the chronicle data model
  • specialized DB -- Event Store deriving current state from the event log

  • users expect to see the current state, not the history of modifications
    ==> an event log by itself is not useful
  • so apps need to transform the event logs into app state -- should be repeatable
  • like CDC, replaying the event logs allows you to reconstruct the current state
  • unlike CDC, log compaction is not possible
  • the intention is to store all raw events forever and reprocess the full event log whenever required
    ==> could use snapshot approach for performance optimization commands and events

command -- a request from a user before validation
=> e.g. a user tries to reserve a seat on an airplane

event -- validated command, durable & immutable ==> fact
=> e.g. the app checked that the seat is not taken, if ok, then generate an event that the seat has been reserved for a particular customer

A consumer of the event stream is not allowed to reject an event: by the time the consumer sees the event, it is already an immutable part of the log, and it may have already been seen by other consumers.

  • sync approach
    e.g. make (command validation + event publication) a transaction
  • async approach
    e.g. split into 2 events
    => event 1 : tentative reservation
    => event 2 : confirmation

Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppman

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