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BioArt  · 公众号  · 生物  · 2019-10-30 07:49
OPEN POSITIONSPost-doctoral Fellowship in Cancer Genetics and EpigeneticsWe are seeking applications to fill multiple postdoctoral positions in an NCI-funded laboratory in City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute, located in eastern Los Angeles. City of Hope offers a voted best environment for postdoctoral training in basic, translational, and clinical research as an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center with NCI-funded T32 postdoctoral training program on DNA damage responses and oncogenic signaling. Among the multiple genome stability and cancer research groups, the Shen laboratory has been focusing on DNA replication/repair pathway components, cancer genetics and epigenetics, as well as the cancer etiological and therapeutics modeling. For the recent publications, see www.cityofhope.org/people/shen-binghui. Recent Ph.D. graduates or equivalents i ………………………………

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