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Will you chase love outside the castle? (translation of original works)

雪鼠_0396  · 简书  ·  · 2019-04-24 12:34

        We people live in a room, whether it's made of jade, gold, or our steel and cement. They are all wonderful Gothic buildings, and we all live in castles. Sometimes, our breathing becomes tense, sometimes our mood becomes depressed. Sometimes, our mood gets depressed. We were eager to poke our heads out for some air, or to dig a hole in the wall of the castle and install a door. After we are tired, we can go out through this window or through this door to breathe fresh air and find your lovely person. This person must be what you like. she has a good character, a quiet character, a wonderful figure. From the moment you met him, you told you, "this man seems to have been seen at some point in the stream, but why is he there today?"


        Out of nobility, not out of lust, you will want all her beauty and information. So this is my answer, a man who lives in a castle can have his own pleasing lover. You can go after the people you love, but you have to make sure that the doors in the castle can go in and out. As a man who can only and cannot get out, that means you are going to die in the castle. If you are a man who can only get out but not in, you will leave the castle forever, even if it is abominable. I don't know what you think of everything in this castle-the parents who gave birth to us, the brothers and sisters who supported us, and the wives and children who loved us. We formed an iron house, which is the castle where you and I live. We live to build this castle, to expand this castle, to build this castle, the color of this castle is gray, the color of this castle is monotonous. The air in the castle was repressed and suffocated. at night we heard children crying, during the day we heard complaints from women, and the sound of teaching from the elderly. Weak I really do not know how to build this castle, just drag the tired body, day by day, step by step forward. I will continue to hear the voices of children, the voices of women's complaints and the voices of their parents' teachings, and they tell me that all this is normal and should be borne and borne by a man.


        Although there is infinite fun, there is infinite joy, but also infinite let you intoxicated with this or that strange things. There are banquets, there are delicacies, and there is the physical joy that keeps you reminiscent of the excitement and satisfaction of the woman in the castle, and you lie in bed stroking the satisfaction of the woman in the castle. But after all I found that I was still alone, still without direction, still walking in the dark. So today you and tomorrow I should bravely open a window of the castle or dig a wall of the castle, let the air in, or you walk out of the castle. We often say a small step, often means the next big step, but also for love outside the castle. As for the people I love outside the castle, I still pursue it. There was a great poet in ancient China who used his words as a standard to guide me-to get out of the mud and not to dye, to wash the ripples and not the demons. The middle pass is straight outside, not the vine does not branch. So, for an elegant woman like a lotus, you have to keep your distance, appreciate her, occupy her, and think about the unity of her heart. But don't take a closer look, because the best painting in the world is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, and if you have time to go to the French Museum, you'll also find that there are imperfections in the perfect. Is because the distance is too close and lost the beauty that existed. When I say this, I'm not saying it's unfounded. I have a love story outside my own castle.


        In that long winter, I can not see hope, but I still do not stop in their own things, I work hard, open up, fantasize, work hard. Until one day I met a beautiful and elegant swan-like person. I opened my mouth to praise her, and when she stood in the snow, I thought she was a beautiful swan dancing in the snow. The swan is holy and elegant, although she has become someone else's woman. I first said elegant words to praise her, let her intoxicated with my magic. Magic is like a magician. when he shows that everything he does is reasonable, he reveals the truth to you, but when your brain stops in space in a flash, beyond the reach of your eyes, he presents you with the illusion. In the same way, I was thinking that when I began to get this woman, the first step was to praise and flatter her. And to appear unique, and unique, so that it does not appear secular. Once I said to her, "your breasts are so plump." I don't know how big it is! " In the intoxicated she told me: "when you touch me one day, you can know!" When she asked me patiently, like a priest, about my attitude to love outside the castle. I said: "the body is accessible, the mind can be combined, but the body can not enter each other." Because it will make the original wonderful love become because of the mutual trust pain. I went to do such a thing, when she entrusted everything to me, I chose to refuse like Forrest Gump, she left me forever.


        This is what I experienced outside the castle of love. What about you? Do you have the courage to dig your grave, go out and build a castle, to chase love outside your castle? I long to know the answer!


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