专栏名称: 商业地产观察
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商业地产观察  · 公众号  · 房地产  · 2019-09-07 20:00
文章来源:Hi设计作者:Vicky此次受委托在商业街进行一个宵夜餐饮空间的设计。除了食物本身,空间的记忆点与视觉同时作为本案的重点。委托方“碳烤先生” 一直把自己的厨房当作研究室,热爱研究能直接刺激味蕾的“午夜产品”,相比都在追求精致清晰的状态,尝试模糊的“简单粗暴”可能会有不同的空间体验。This time I was asked to design a dining space for night barbecue in a commercial zone. Apart from the food itself, I also put memory point and visual effect as my focuses. Mr. Barbecue, the space owner, always sees the kitchen as his food lab. He loves studying “Midnight food recipes” that create special sensations to our taste buds. Compared to those food which present delicacy and clarity, what he pursues is the ambiguity of “Simplicity and straightf ………………………………

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