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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-01-12 22:23
这是“读外刊,学英文句型”栏目的第二十三期,关于该栏目第一期的说明可以见如何通过阅读外刊积累英文写作句型?1.人们对某事的分歧很大 要表达“人们对……存在很大分歧”,可以说: (1) People have very different opinions about…(2) Opinion is divided as to… 这里给出一个新的句式: Opinions on the effects of children’s digital-media habits are deeply polarised. At one extreme...Others note that similar warnings were sounded when television started to spread in the second half of the 20th century. 上面的句子出自The Economist对于电子设备对儿童影响的报道。Opinions on the effects of children’s digital-media habits aredeeply polarised. 意思即“关于数字媒体使用习惯对儿童的影响,人们的看法两极分化”。这里可以总结出一个句型:Opin ………………………………

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