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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2021-01-02 20:04
Unit7 社交媒体 精读(中)表达(一)trigger, set offsubstance abuse 🌰Indeed, an experiment by five neuroscientists in 2014 concluded that Facebook triggers the same impulsive part of the brain as gambling and substance abuse.事实上,2014年,五名神经科学家在一项实验中得出结论,Facebook所触发的大脑冲动区域,与赌博和滥用药物所激发的区域一致。 (二)the other way around 🌰Yet it is difficult to prove that obsessing over likes and comments causes mental illness, rather than the other way around.然而,很难证明是沉迷点赞和评论会导致精神疾病,还是精神疾病患者更沉迷于点赞和评论。 (三)effort 🌰the Russian space effort 俄罗斯航天计划  🌰the United Nations' peacekeeping effort 联合国的维和行动  🌰The most convincing effort was a survey that tra ………………………………

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