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云南造光绪元宝三钱六分 | 蕴藏着丰富的历史元素

绘爱  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-30 13:53
一枚小小的古钱币,蕴藏着丰富的历史元素。如今遗传在世的精品古钱币虽然并不多,但是每枚精品古币价值却是不菲。光绪铜元则是在清末铜价剧涨,民间毁钱为银致使市面出现钱荒的状况下发行的。在近年的收藏品交易市场上,像一个小小的“云南省造光绪元宝三钱六分”创造了无数的奇迹,过百万的售价让近年的龙纹机制币光绪元宝活跃在收藏市场上的高居不下,价值也呈现与日俱增的态势。A small ancient coin contains a wealth of historical elements. Although there are not many ancient coins inherited from the world, the value of each ancient coin is very high. The Guangxu copper yuan was issued in the situation that the copper price in the late Qing Dynasty rose sharply and the civil ruined money caused the money to appear in the market. In th ………………………………

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