传播克里希那穆提教诲的民间组织,从事克氏书籍和视频的翻译与推广工作,并组织线下的沙龙和讨论等活动。 “自我了解是智慧的开端,因而智慧和爱是并肩而行的。”——克里希那穆提
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克里希那穆提冥思坊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-05-15 00:19
图片:位于加州欧亥(Ojai)的美国克里希那穆提静修中心Question: What do you mean by living fully, openly, freely? Please give a practical example. Please also explain, with a practical example, how in the attempt to live fully, openly, and freely one becomes conscious of one's hindrances which prevent freedom, and how by becoming fully conscious of them one can be liberated from them.问:你所说的充分、开放、自由地活着是什么意思?请给出一个实例。也请用实例解释一下,在努力去充分、开放、自由地活着的过程中,人要如何意识到妨碍自由的那些障碍,人如何通过充分意识到它们而从中解放出来。Krishnamurti: Suppose I am a snob and am unconscious that I am a snob; that is, I have class prejudice, and I meet life, unconscious of this prejudice. Naturally, having my mind distorted by this idea of class distinction, I cannot understand, I cannot meet life openly, freely, simply. 克里希 ………………………………

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