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【听书打卡】40天听完《标竿人生》Purpose Driven Life | Day37 分享你的人生信息

FaithonCross  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-08 00:00
第三十七天  分享你的人生信息 Sharing Your Life MessageThose who believe in the son of God have the testimony of God in them.(1John 5:10a ,GWT)信神的儿子的,就有这见证在他心里。( 约翰一书五章10节上,圣经新译本)Your lives are echoing the Master's word ....The news of your faith in God is out. We don't even have to say anything anymore - you're the message!(1Thessalonians 1:8, Msg)主的道已在你们生命中产生共鸣......你们对神的信心也传遍了各处,我们不用再说什么一因为你们就是那信息。(帖撒罗尼迦前书一章8节,Msg)God has given you a Life Message to share神赐给你一个人生信息,要你与人分享When you became a believer, you also became God's messenger. God wants to speak to the world through you. Paul said, "We speak the truth before God, as messengers of God."当你成为 ………………………………

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