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十点读书会  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2019-09-12 22:07
♪点击上方图标,马上收听双语节目Today is Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019.First, listen to the dialogue twice, then try to answer the questions after the dialogue.首先,听两遍小对话,然后试着回答对话后的问题。"Hello. taxi!""Where do you want to go, sir?""Take us to Beihai Park. Can we get there in about fifteen minutes?""No, it'll take about 30 minutes, because the traffic is heavy at this time of day. I'll do my best.""I am not in a rush, but in a hurry. I have a big interview coming up.""I can stop for you at the subway station, the subway would be faster.""Ok, thank you very much." Q1:How long does it take to go to Beihai park by taxi?Q2:Why is the boy in such a hurry?Key wordsheavy [ˈhevi] 重的;沉的(heavy traffic交通拥挤)rush [rʌʃ] 匆忙;仓促;忙碌hurry [ˈhɜːri] 赶快;匆忙;急忙(做某事)interview [ˈɪnt ………………………………

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