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小设计大体验 | 荐文 2018 #9

东炜黄  · 简书  · 程序员  · 2018-01-15 23:05

《Tiny Wins》

GitHub 修改浏览器 Tab 图标以便用户分辨 Pull Request 状态、Netflix 增加跳过片头按钮、Chrome 给播放声音的 Tab 添加播放图标……小设计大体验的实例和理念讲解。

Ask yourselves:

What are your product’s most frequently used flows? What about those flows is frustrating? What regularly takes up time or cognitive load? This could be an extra click or an ambiguous component. How frustrating are these moments? What is the sum of time or frustration that fixing each of these small things will save? How many users would be affected? Will it be noticeable? Will it be shareable? Will it create joy?

《The Making of Apple’s Emoji: How designing these tiny icons changed my life》

苹果公司那些 Emoji 设计背后的故事。貌似这几天都有报道。不过,大家更加关注的是 💩 和🍦,而不是作者最想表达的——要谦逊(也许只是我的理解角度不同吧)。

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