专栏名称: 比尔盖茨
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)唯一官方公众号,分享他见过的人、读过的书和学到的功课,内容包括全球健康、能源创新、教育改革和读书笔记等。
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以快制胜 ——《闪电式扩张》序言 | 盖茨笔记

比尔盖茨  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2019-08-23 06:02
《闪电式扩张》[美]  里德 · 霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman) [美]  叶嘉新(Chris Yeh)著中信出版集团 2019.9I’ve known Reid Hoffman for years. Our friendship started on my visits to Silicon Valley to meet with Greylock Partners, the venture capital firm where Reid is a partner, so I could learn about the companies they were investing in. I was always impressed by his sharp mind and brilliant business sense. Reid is famous for hosting long dinners where the conversation runs late into the night, and we’ve spent many meals breaking down the technology industry, analyzing the promise of artificial intelligence, and more. When Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella started talking about acquiring LinkedIn, I knew it would be an amazing fit. 我认识里德·霍夫曼有许多年了。当时我到硅谷与格雷洛克合伙公司(Greylock Partners)的负责人会谈 ………………………………

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