专栏名称: 每日英语
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英文伴读 | 一路走来,辛苦了。未来,值得期待。

每日英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-03-24 15:00
I'm not sure if you have any illusions about 不知道你们有没有幻想过,what you will be like in four years四年后的自己会是什么样的呢Maybe you were facing the choice of taking postgraduate entrance examination or work也许是也许是面临着考研还是工作的选择,Maybe you were wandering in a big city but finally got better也许是一个人在大城市里闯荡终于有了起色,Maybe you would return to your hometown, then got married and had a stable life也许是回到了家乡结婚生子过着安稳的生活......In any case无论如何I hope you won't feel anxious and restless.希望你不会感觉到焦灼与躁动You need to know that peace and loneliness are the best way to improve yourself. 你要知道平静和孤独是提升自己最好的方式Drink clean water, listen to the soft music and say good night to you ………………………………

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