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经济学人 | 奥运会收视率连年下降,为何广告费却一如既往高昂?

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-08-29 22:42
关注公众号 英语学习不迷路双语文本Among the records broken at the Tokyo Olympics, one went uncelebrated: the games were the least-watched in decades.在东京奥运会上打破的记录中,有一项没有得到庆祝:这是几十年来观看人数最少的一届奥运会。In America just 15.5m people tuned in each night, the fewest since NBCUniversal, now part of Comcast’s cable empire, began covering the event in 1988.在美国,每晚只有1550万人收看,这是自1988年NBC环球(现为康卡斯特有线电视帝国的一部分)开始报道这一赛事以来收看人数最少的一次。Viewership was 42% lower than at the Rio games in 2016. Broadcasters in Europe recorded similar falls.与2016年里约奥运会相比,收视率下降了42%。欧洲的广播公司也出现了类似的下降。Brands that had paid to advertise alongside the jamboree ………………………………

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