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【B站正在直播】美国城市游说与国会议员的立法表现 | 政评 · 青年工作坊

政治学评介  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-05-08 09:15
点击关注“政治学评介”获取更多资讯政评青年工作坊第一期美国城市游说与国会议员的立法表现讲座时间北京时间5月8日(周日)上午9:30讲座简介Why do cities spend scarce resources lobbying the national legislature? The ex- isting theory posits that cities lobby when there is preference incongruence between local and state governments. I develop a theory of city lobbying emphasizing both the variation of cities’ demands and associate MC’s legislative performance. Specifically, bigger cities (in terms of population) associated with low-performing legislators have greater lobbying demands than other cities. Using city-level data collected from 2003 to 2016, I find that cities associated with high-performance legislators are less likely to lobby than cities associated with low-performance legislators, conditional on cities’ population sizes. Also, cities are less likely to lobby the national government when their assoc ………………………………

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