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腾讯社交用户体验设计,简称ISUX (Internet Social User Experience),是腾讯核心设计团队, 负责腾讯社交网络相关产品的用户体验设计与研究。
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[ISUX原创] Tencent Box Tee

腾讯ISUX  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-31 10:29
腾讯ISUXisux.tencent.com社交用户体验设计ISUX LAB出品影像拍摄                           1. Photo Shoot设计理念                           2. Design IdeaThe basic idea of Tencent Box T-shirts is so simple. Make a small box shape; put visual identities of different Tencent services in it; and then put Tencent logo on it.Tencent Box Tee的基本设计理念很简单。首先一个盒子的形状,再把不同的腾讯业务的视觉识别放进去,最后加上Tencent的logo。The idea is so simple; however, the impact is so strong. It can easily show brand identities in a powerful and creative way, moreover, it can be easily extended to different brands. Because the Tencent logo is on it, it can represent that all these services are under the same big brand--Tencent.设计理念虽然简单,却有着很大的影响力。简单的设 ………………………………

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