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瑜伽教育(3)Education about Yoga

艾扬格瑜伽学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-06 19:00
普尚吉最为人们所误解的方面,也许是他注重体式而非“姿势”;强调瑜伽体式,而诟病“姿势”。从我们平时做出的“姿势”即posture,到“体式”,即asana,再到“瑜伽体式”,即yogasana或 yog-asana,它们之间,到底有何区别?在“瑜伽教育”第三讲里,普尚吉将我们放入了姿势体式瑜伽体式;同时,向我们宣讲教义。瑜伽教育讲座(3)Education about YogaNamaskar! Today, we are meeting for the third session on Education about Yoga.大家好!今天,我们为了“瑜伽教育”的第三讲又见面了。 The basic problem that you will face is that we have been indoctrinated that ‘yoga is a practical subject’ and we have gone overboard, thinking that it is activity and it is something to be performed, it is something to be done; but I want to introduce to this unique perspective that there is a lot of education in yoga.将面对的一个基本问题是:我们已 ………………………………

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