专栏名称: 英文巴士
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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-06-26 02:04
注: 由阅读原文获取全文,文本仅供参考。Message on Windrush Day22 June 201971 years ago today, the MV Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury, bringing with it not only several hundred new arrivals from the Caribbean but also a whole new chapter in British history.The men and women who stepped ashore in Essex that day were the first of some half a million who arrived from across the Commonwealth over the next quarter of a century.In doing so, they helped rebuild post-war Britain, laying the foundations for the country we know today and making our culture richer and our society stronger.In recognition of that, I announced last year that the 22 June would forever be marked as our national Windrush Day – an annual opportunity to remember the hard work and sacrifice of the Windrush Generation, and celebrate the contribution they and their descendants made and continue to ………………………………

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