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无锡江阴 绿地香港 ·敔山天地 · 360公馆 | 编织静谧花园

景观设计小学徒  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-11-25 12:00
借一缕敔山湾的湖光山色编织360公馆的静谧花园Borrow a ray of lakes and mountainsWeaving the quiet garden of 360 Mansion●●●01溯源项目背景PROJECT  BACKGROUND360公馆是无锡江阴敔光雅苑的的楼王——12#楼,360公馆的涟漪花园,前期作为一个单独的小型的示范区,后期前场花园将拆改为绿化,后场花园将保留,作为360公馆的私密花园。The ripple garden of Mansion 360 will be used as a separate small demonstration area in the early stage. In the later period, the front garden will be demolished and converted to greenery, and the backyard garden will be retained as the private garden of Mansion 360.02思考设计生成DESIGN GENERATION从雨中敔山湖上的涟漪汲取灵感,用自由的线条,营造花境、疏林的自然秘境,用玻璃石模拟从敔山湖撷取的一片湖水,让细腻 ………………………………

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