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【SN】Good sense of smell are linked with good sense of navigation

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-23 06:00
People who have a good sense of smell are also good navigatorsScientists have connected both skills to the same areas in the brainWe may truly be led by our noses. A sense of smell and a sense of navigation are linked in our brains, scientists propose.Neuroscientist Louisa Dahmani and colleagues asked 57 young people to navigate through a virtual town on a computer screen before being tested on how well they could get from one spot to another. The same young people’s smelling abilities were also scrutinized. After a sniff of one of 40 odor-infused felt-tip pens, participants were shown four words on a screen and asked to choose the one that matched the smell. On these two seemingly different tasks, the superior smellers and the superior navigators turned out to be one and the same, the team found.Scientists linked both skills to certain spots in the brain: The left orbitofrontal ………………………………

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