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陆满庭  · 简书  ·  · 2020-03-08 09:51



【单词】WRONGED 原型:wrong 动词过去分词 [rɒŋ] v. 冤枉;不公正地对待

In time Jacob became very wealthy, and he had large flocks, slaves, and asses.


【短语】In time 原型:in time 最后,终于;例句:He would sort out his own problems, in time. 他早晚会解决自己的问题。

【单词】wealthy 形容词 ['welθi] adj. 富有的

【单词】flocks 原型:flock 名词复数形式 [flɒk] n. 兽群;羊群

【单词】slaves 原型:slave 名词复数形式 [sleɪv] n. 奴隶

【单词】asses 原型:ass 名词复数形式 [æs] n. 驴

【专有名词】Jacob n. 雅各布(男子名)

But he heard Laban's sons say, "Jacob has taken all that was our father's, and from that which was our father's he has gotten all this wealth." He also saw that Laban did not act toward him the same as before.


【时态】have(has) + 动词的过去分词 是动词的“现在完成时”,这种时态主要用于表示 1.从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。

【短语】the same as 与 ... 同样的;例句:She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。

【单词】wealth 名词 [welθ] n. 财产;财富

【单词】act 动词 [ækt] v. 行动;举止

【单词】toward 介词 [tə'wɔːd] prep. 向;朝

【专有名词】Laban n. 拉班(《圣经》中Leah和Rachel之父)

So Jacob rose and put his sons and his wives upon the camels and drove away all his cattle.


【短语】drove away 原型:drive away 赶走,驱赶;例句:I drove away the flies but soon they fly back. 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又飞回来了。

【单词】camels 名词复数形式 camels ['kæməlz] n. 骆驼

【单词】cattle 名词复数形式 ['kætl] n. 牛;家畜;畜牲

He deceived Laban, for he did not tell him that he was fleeing away.


【单词】deceived 原型:deceive 动词过去式 [dɪ'siːv] v. 欺骗

【单词】fleeing 原型:flee 动词进行式 [fliː] v. 逃走 逃离

So he fled across the river Euphrates, with all that he had, and set out on his way toward Mount Gilead.


【短语】set out 动身,出发;例句:We set out with enough provisions. 我们带上足够的食品出发了。

【单词】fled 原型:flee 动词过去式 [fliː] v. 逃走;逃离

【专有名词】Euphrates n. 幼发拉底河(流经土耳其、叙利亚和伊拉克)

【专有名词】Mount Gilead 基列山

Then Jacob sent messengers before him to his brother Esau.


【单词】messengers 原型:messenger 名词复数形式 ['mesɪndʒə] n. 报信者;信使

And he gave them this command, "Say to my lord Esau: 'Your servant Jacob declares, I have lived with Laban and have stayed until now.


【时态】have(has) + 过去分词 是现在完成时;现在完成时用于以下几种情况:1.表示从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have lost my key.(说明过去某时丢的钥匙,现在还未找到.)He has already obtained a scholarship. 他已经获得了一份奖学金。

【单词】command 名词 [kə'mɑːnd] n. 命令;指挥

【单词】servant 名词 ['sɜːvənt] n. 仆人

【单词】declares 原型:declare 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [dɪ'kleə] v. 宣布;声明

I have oxen and asses, flocks and slaves, and I have sent to tell my lord, in order that I may win your favor.'" The messengers returned to Jacob with the report, "We came to your brother Esau, even as he was coming to meet you with four hundred men."


【固定用法】in order that表示“以便;为了”,引导目的状语从句,既可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。而另外一个可以引导目的状语从句的短语so that则只可用于句中。in order that可以与in order to互换,如:We started early in order that we could get the first bus.=We started early in order to get the first bus. 我们早些出发以便能赶上首班公交车。

【单词】oxen 原型:ox 名词复数形式 [ɒks] n. 牛;公牛

【单词】favor 名词 ['feɪvə] n. 偏爱;好意

【单词】returned 原型:return 动词过去式 [rɪ'tɜːrn] v. 返回

【单词】report 名词 [rɪ'pɔːrt] n. 报告

Then Jacob was greatly alarmed and worried.


【单词】greatly 副词 ['ɡreɪtli] adv. 很;非常;大大地

【单词】alarmed 原型:alarm 动词过去分词 [ə'lɑːm] v. 使惊恐

【单词】worried 原型:worry 动词过去分词 ['wʌri] v. 担心;忧愁

So he divided the people that were with him and the flocks and the herds and the camels into two parts and said, "If Esau comes to the one and attacks and destroys it, then the other which is left can escape."


【单词】divided 原型:divide 动词过去式 [dɪ'vaɪd] v. 划分;隔开;分割

【单词】herds 原型:herd 名词复数形式 [hɜːd] n. 兽群

【单词】attacks 原型:attack 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [ə'tæk] v. 攻击;袭击

【单词】destroys 原型:destroy 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [dɪ'strɔɪ] v. 破坏;摧毁

【单词】escape 动词 [ɪ'skeɪp] v. 逃跑;逃脱

Jacob also prayed, "O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear that he will come and attack me and kill the mothers and the children."


【单词】prayed 原型:pray 动词过去式 [preɪ] v. 祈祷;请求;恳求;祈求

【单词】deliver 动词 [dɪ'lɪvə] v. 解救

【单词】thee 代词 [ðiː] pron. [古语]你

【单词】fear 动词 [fɪr] v. 害怕;忧虑

【单词】kill 动词 [kɪl] v. 杀死

【专有名词】Abraham ['eɪbrəˌhæm] n. 亚伯拉罕

【专有名词】Isaac 人名 [圣经]以撒(亚伯拉罕之子)

Then Jacob took as a present for his brother Esau, two hundred female goats and twenty male goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams, thirty milch camels and their young, forty cows and ten bulls, twenty female asses and ten young asses.


【单词】present 名词 [ˈprɛznt] n. 礼物

【单词】female 形容词 [ˈfiˌmel] adj. 女性的;雌性的

【单词】goats 原型:goat 名词复数形式 [ɡəʊt] n. 山羊

【单词】male 形容词 [ˈmel] adj. 男性的;雄性的

【单词】ewes 原型:ewe 名词复数形式 [ju] n. 母羊

【单词】rams 原型:ram 名词复数形式 [ræm] n. 公羊

【单词】milch 形容词 [mɪltʃ] adj. 生乳的;产奶的

【单词】cows 原型:cow 名词复数形式 [kaʊ] n. 母牛;奶牛

【单词】bulls 原型:bull 名词复数形式 [bʊl] n. 公牛

These he put, each drove by itself, in the care of his servants and said to them, "Go on before me and leave a space between the droves."


【短语】in the care of 由…照应;例句:As a child in the care of a local authority, he had been boarded out with a farmer. 他童年时由地方政府照管,曾被送到一户农民家里寄宿。

【单词】space 名词 [ spes] n. 空间;空隙

【单词】droves 原型:drove 名词复数形式 [droʊv] n. 畜群

He gave those in front this command: "When my brother Esau meets you and asks you, 'To whom do you belong? and where are you going? and whose are these before you?' then you shall say, 'To your servant Jacob; it is a present sent by him to my lord Esau; and Jacob himself is just behind us.'" Jacob also commanded the second, and the third, and all that followed the droves, to make the same answer, and to say, "Jacob himself is just behind us." For he said to himself, "I will please him with the present that goes before me, and then, when I meet him, perhaps he will welcome me." So he sent the present over before him; but he himself spent that night in the camp.


【短语】in front 在前面;例句:The bus bumped into the car in front. 巴士撞上了前面那辆汽车。

【单词】belong 动词 [bɪ'lɒŋ] v. 应归入;属于

【单词】please 动词 [pliz] v. 讨好;使高兴

【单词】perhaps 副词 [pərˈhæps] adv. 或许;也许

【单词】spent 原型:spend 动词过去式 [spɛnd] v. 度过

【单词】camp 名词 [kæmp] n. 帐篷;营地

Later that night he rose up and took his two wives, his two maid servants, and his eleven children, and sent them over the river Jabbok.


【单词】maid 名词 [meɪd] n. 女仆;侍女

【专有名词】Jabbok 雅博河

Jacob was left alone, and one wrestled with him until daybreak.


【单词】alone 副词 [əˈloʊn] adv. 单独地;独自地

【单词】wrestled 动词过去式 ['resl] v. 摔跤;斗争

【单词】daybreak 名词 ['deɪbreɪk] n. 黎明;拂晓

When he saw that he did not win against Jacob, he struck the socket of his hip, and the socket of Jacob's hip was strained, as he wrestled with him.


【单词】struck 原型:strike 动词过去式 [straɪk] n. 打击;敲击

【单词】socket 名词 ['sɒkɪt] n. 窝;穴

【单词】hip 名词 [hɪp] n. 臀部;髋

【单词】strained 原型:strain 动词过去分词 [streɪn] v. 拉紧;紧张

Then he said, "Let me go, for the dawn is breaking." But Jacob replied, "I will not let thee go unless you bless me." So he said to him, "What is your name?" He answered, "Jacob." Then he said, "Your name shall be no longer Jacob, but Israel, which means Struggler with God; for you have struggled with God and with men and have won." So he blessed him there.


【语法】let sb./sth. do sth. 让某人(某物)做某事;例句:Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。

【单词】dawn 名词 [dɔːn] n. 黎明;曙光

【单词】replied 原型:reply 动词过去式 [rɪ'plaɪ] v. 回答;答复;回应

【单词】unless 连词 [ʌnˈlɛs] conj. 除非

【单词】bless 动词 [bles] v. 保佑;祝福;赐福

【单词】means 原型:mean 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [min] v. 意思是

【单词】Struggler 原型:struggler 名词 ['strʌglə] n. 斗争者,奋斗者

【单词】struggled 原型:struggle 动词过去分词 ['strʌɡl] v. 奋斗;斗争

【专有名词】Israel 地名 ['ɪzreɪl] n. 以色列[亚洲]

And Jacob called the place Penuel, which means Face of God, for he said, "I have seen God face to face, and my life has been saved."


【语法】have been 是现在完成时的被动形式,表示以前某物被做过什么,例:Those books have been read by me. 那些书已经被我读过了。

【短语】face to face 面对面地;例句:They are standing there, face to face. 他们面对面地站在那里。

【单词】saved 原型:save 动词过去分词 [seɪv] v. 救

When Jacob looked up, he saw Esau coming with four hundred men.


And he put the maid servants and their children in front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and her son Joseph in the rear.


【单词】rear 名词 [rɪə] n. 后面;尾部

Then Jacob himself went in front of them, and he bowed down to the ground seven times, as he drew near to his brother.


【短语】in front of 在 ... 前面;例句:I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window. 我在最近的一家商店的橱窗前站了一会儿。

【单词】bowed 原型:bow 动词过去式 [baʊ] v. 鞠躬;致敬

【单词】ground 名词 [ɡraʊnd] n. 地面

Esau ran to meet him, threw his arms about his neck, and kissed him, and they wept.


【单词】threw 原型:throw 动词过去式 [θrəʊ] v. 扔;投;掷;抛

【单词】neck 名词 [nek] n. 颈;脖子

【单词】kissed 原型:kiss 动词过去式 [kɪs] n. 吻

【单词】wept 原型:weep 动词过去式 [wiːp] v. 流泪;哭泣

When Esau looked up and saw the women and the children, he said, "Who are these with you?" Jacob answered, "The children whom God has so kindly given me." Then the maid servants with their children came up and bowed down to the ground.


【单词】kindly 副词 ['kaɪndli] adj. 和蔼的;仁慈地

Leah and her children also came and bowed down, and afterward Joseph and Rachel came up and bowed down before Esau.


【单词】afterward 副词 ['ɑːftəwəd] adv. 后来

Esau asked, "What do you mean by all this company which I met?" Jacob answered, "To win your friendship, my lord." Esau said, "I have enough, my brother; keep what you have." But Jacob replied, "No, if now I have won your favor, receive this present from me to show that you are my friend.


【单词】company 名词 [ˈkʌmpəni] n. 同伴

【单词】replied 原型:reply 动词过去式 [rɪˈplaɪ] v. 回答;答复

【单词】receive 动词 [rɪˈsiv] v. 接收

Take, I beg of you, the gift that I bring to you, for God has been generous to me, and I have enough." So he urged Esau until he took it.


【单词】beg 动词 [beɡ] v. 恳求;乞讨

【单词】gift 名词 [ɡɪft] n. 礼物

【单词】generous 形容词 ['dʒenərəs] adj. 慷慨的;宽宏大量的

【单词】urged 原型:urge 动词过去式 [ɜːdʒ] v. 力陈;极力主张;强烈要求

Then Esau said, "Let me at least leave with you some of the people who are with me." But Jacob replied, "What need is there?


【短语】at least 至少;例句:At least, I asked him not to. 至少,我告诉过他不要这样做。

Let me only enjoy your friendship, my Lord." So Esau turned back that day on his way to Seir.


【单词】enjoy 动词 [ɪn'dʒɔɪ] v. 享受

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