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TED演讲 | 放弃做一个“好人”,才能成为一个更好的人

Kyle  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-30 22:22
你来晚了,戳蓝字一键关注Kyle回复“晚安”,可以获得一条特别的推送大家好,我是Kyle。如果你对做一个“好人”的执着阻碍了你成为一个更好的人,那么该怎么办? 在这篇通俗易懂的演讲中,社会心理学家 Dolly 解释了令人费解的道德层面的心理学,并展示了我们如何从承认错误开始做更好的自己!演说者:Dolly Chugh演说题目:How to let go of being a "good" person -- and become a better person如何放弃做“好人”,成为更好的人!中英对照演讲稿So a friend of mine was riding in a taxi to the airport the other day, and on the way, she was chatting with the taxi driver, and he said to her, with total sincerity, "I can tell you are a really good person." 某天,我的一位朋友乘出租车去机场。在路上,她跟出租车司机闲聊,他用非常 ………………………………

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