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悬崖山巅上的峰状住宅 | The Ledge

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-01-09 19:00
“The Ledge”坐落在山脊边缘,是印度Peeremedu地区的一座住宅,以理想的空间为基础设计而成。人们不时想要走到山脊边缘,或像孩子一样想从悬崖顶端一跃而下的冲动。都可以归因于人类即使在翻越山峰之后仍渴望着走入云端的本能。因此,这座建筑被设计成一个“碎片”,作为山的延伸直指向天空。Perched on the edge of a mountain, ‘The Ledge’ is a residence in Peeremedu that is designed based on a dream sequence. The inquisition that leads one to walk till the edge of a ridge or a child-like whim to jump from the top of a cliff can be attributed to a human desire to walk ahead into the clouds even after the mountain is over. Hence the building has been designed as a shard that seems to be protruding as an extension of the mountain into the air.建筑的屋顶和外墙很好地 ………………………………

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