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诗歌翻译| 苏轼-《桃花》英文译文

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-01-22 18:00
【新朋友】点击标题下面蓝字【可可英语】加关注【老朋友】点击手机右上角图标【转发分享】内容诗的大意是:形容桃花开得灿烂,一片生机嫣然的样子。全诗无一“桃字”、无“娇、”“妖”之词,却寓繁于简,将桃花三月之情之境描述得明丽夺人。有桃树之姿、有花落清浅池塘、惊鱼溅珠之奇之美、想像之奇、意象选择之巧、诗意之简约。诗的容量之大之广,尽在此中,真个是绝妙之诗。《桃花》 苏轼争花不待叶,密缀欲无条。傍沼人窥鉴,惊鱼水溅桥。Peach BlossomSu ShiAhead of the unfolding of leaves vying for efflorescence,The florets are so densely interlocked as to be void of sprays in outward appearance.By the pond a fair beholds herself in the mirror on the sly,Scaring fishes into splashing water against the bridge nea ………………………………

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