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首席经济学家论坛  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2019-06-09 17:52
来源:洪灝的中国市场策略洪灏为中国首席经济学家论坛理事、交银国际董事总经理、研究部主管、首席策略师夜读,偶遇David Brooks的Ted演讲。虽然并不完全同意,但是反主流文化的,都有意义。我节选翻译了演讲的一部分,与大家分享。没有视频的演讲节选,就如闭着眼睛听演唱会 - 你会听到很多细节,包括瑕疵。But it doesnt make it bad. It makes it real。一种缺憾的美。 ... And loneliness, unexpectedly, came to me in the form of -- it felt like fear, a burning in my stomach. And it felt a little like drunkenness, just making bad decisions, just fluidity, lack of solidity. And the painful part of that moment was the awareness that the emptiness in my apartment was just reflective of the emptiness in myself, and that I had fallen for some of the lies that our cultur ………………………………

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