专栏名称: ASIAFRUIT亚洲水果
亚洲水果新闻由 ASIAFRUIT 亚洲水果打造,是全球最大果蔬业媒体集团 Fruitnet Media International 服务中国及亚洲的信息平台。
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India: a market on the move

ASIAFRUIT亚洲水果  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-24 12:30
Fresh Produce India Live homes in on key import and retail trends, with over 650 registered listeners tuning in.Fresh Produce India held Live on 23rd AprilWhile India’s consumer habits may be rooted in the past, the country’s ability to adapt, and adapt fast, was one of the key take home messages from Fresh Produce India Live.Over 650 registered listeners tuned into the online forum on Thursday (23 April). Spread across five sessions, the event offered quality insight and ideas for the future of the fresh produce business in India.A session on marketing to India’s 1.3bn consumers homed in on how suppliers are approaching the country’s complex, multi-channel retail landscape.Gagan Khosla, owner and CEO of Indian fruit distributor NGK Trading, provided insights from the country’s import sector.While core import lines – such as Washington apples and Northwest pears – ………………………………

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