专栏名称: X-MOL资讯
“X-MOL资讯”关注化学、材料和生命科学领域的科研进展,坚持“原创、专业、深度、生动”,发文频率和质量广受好评。公众号菜单提供“期刊浏览、职位查询、物性数据”等丰富内容和强大功能,深得用户喜爱,入选“2016 年度学术公众号TOP10”。
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Job Opening | Welcome to join Aggregate!

X-MOL资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-14 20:36
A Special Invitation fromAggregateClick HereWantedDear Sir/Madam,We sincerely invite you to join our Editorial Office of Aggregate. As a journal editor, you would have an opportunity to gain diverse skills related to the academic publishing industry, and to develop meaningful expertise for your long-term career. More importantly, you could enjoy a flexible working style and witness the growth of a rising journal. We need your enthusiasm and creativity! Come and join us! Together we shine, united we soar!Ben Zhong Tang, Prof. Dr.Editor-in-ChiefAggregate招聘岗位Job openingsJournal Editors (2 positions)Qualifications:Doctoral degree in chemistry, materials science, and biology or related fields (major in inorganic chemistry or chemical biology is preferred);Excellent written and verbal communication skills (Both in Chinese and English);Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, image-processing and web editing software (English interface);Be flexible, serious, analytical ………………………………

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