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外媒发现,库克居然学会用中国的四字成语了,而且意味深长 !| 外媒说

中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-10-13 11:37
最近,库克又来中国了。《华盛顿邮报》注意到,库克此行非常意外地在中国社交媒体平台带来了一阵狂欢!太尴尬了!自己看吧↓↓Not everything has gone completely smoothly for Cook.对于库克而言,上海之行也并非完全顺利。Chinese social media users had a laugh — more with him than at him — when photos showed Cook trying to use Apple Pay on his Apple Watch to board a ferry to get to an Apple store on the other side of the river.图片显示,库克试图用苹果手表里的Apple Pay支付,登轮渡前往河对岸的另一家苹果门店。据上观新闻报道,在杨家渡轮渡站库克大手一挥然而…刷,刷不出来!这怎么可能?库克不信继续刷!刷了好几次!不过,还是刷!不!出!来!看看,这手都扭成这样子了也是real努力了刷不出来可就尴尬了 ………………………………

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