传播克里希那穆提教诲的民间组织,从事克氏书籍和视频的翻译与推广工作,并组织线下的沙龙和讨论等活动。 “自我了解是智慧的开端,因而智慧和爱是并肩而行的。”——克里希那穆提
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克里希那穆提冥思坊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-01-17 07:00
图片:位于加州欧亥(Ojai)的美国克里希那穆提静修中心The brain is limited, primitive, in the world of the psyche. Now can that limitation be broken down? Can that limitation, which is the self, the ego, the me, the self-centred concern, can all that be wiped away? Which means the brain then is unconditioned - you understand what I am saying? Then it has no fear. Now most of us live in fear, are anxious, frightened of what is going to happen, frightened of death, of a dozen things. Can all that be completely be wiped away and be fresh? So that the brain is free. Then its relationship to the mind is entirely different. That is, to see that one has no shadow of the self.   在心理领域,大脑是非常有限和原始的。那么,这种局限可以被打破吗?那种局限,也就是自我、自己、我、自我中心的关注,所有这一切可以被扫除吗?那意味着大脑消除了局限——你明白我在说的东西吗?那时它就没有 ………………………………

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