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Tips to Support Remote Students

草经学堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-24 06:05
多家德州媒体称中小学远程学习“翻车”了,学生失败率过高。学期快结束了,大的改变也不大可能,只能提些小小建议。原载于Abilene Reporter News。It really saddens me when I read in the Abilene Reporter-News that the failure rate for Abilene ISD remote learning is high.As students and teachers head toward the final stretch of the semester, I want to offer my two cents as an instructional designer supporting teachers with educational technology during most of my career.Long-term strategies would include institutionalizing supplemental instruction and student support, better technology infrastructure for teaching and learning, as well as thorough faculty development and support, but here are a few low-hanging fruits, none of which costs teachers, students or the district anything to implement.Balance teaching and resources.This is ………………………………

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