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CNN每日更新  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-07 21:20
TIPS:为了让大家边看文章同时屏幕取词&听力&译文,可以关注-英文能力,关注后点击‘精选阅读’菜单进入对应文章,亦可底部点击阅读原文,现在加入了单词日历功能便于标注生词并帮助大家记忆本文的生词。👇Comforted by the feverous breathand mesmerized by the writhing, yellowed grin,we huddle around the hearth’s yawning maw.Asylum from the frigid winter air,as somber and melancholic as the embittered waning moon.The faintly lit space provides a sense of primitive security —our fully furnished den on the mountainside.Talk of holiday plans, dinner arrangements,and gathering firewood occupy our time,while heated porcelain cups of cocoa satisfy our hands.Numbing winds gnash and howl with fury,as they thrash against the exterior of our dwelling,in vain attempts to molest the inhabitants.Window panes rattle in old frames,tree limbs knock on the ceiling and walls,like unwanted guests —all the while, we ignore ………………………………

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