专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-05-18 11:09
生活中的很多问题并不需要放在心里,人生的很多负担并不需要挑在肩上。 一念放下,才能感受到简单生活的乐趣,才能感受到心灵飞翔的自在。 放下烦恼就得到了快乐,放下贪欲就得到了平和,放下怨恨就得到了解脱。 放下即是解脱,即是拥有,一念放下,一切自在。 ---加措活佛There are really only three things in our lives: the first is our own business, the things that we can control; the second is other people’s business, the things that other people can control; the third is God’s business, meaning the things that are outside of our control. People's troubles often come from forgetting their own business, meddling in other people’s business, and worrying about God's business. It is not difficult to be relaxed and carefree, as long as you take care of your own business, meddle less in other people’s business, and don't worry about God's business!_有缘人加我公众微信 ………………………………

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