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活动预告 | 京师数学公众报告

京师数科  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-06 21:39
京师数学公众报告学院报告信息01报告题目(Title):Exotic examples of Ricci limit spaces报告人(Speaker):周胜铉(北京大学)地点(Place):后主楼 1223时间(Time):2024年5月7日(周二)下午2:00-3:30邀请人(Inviter):张科伟摘要:In this talk, we will construct two collapsed Ricci limit spaces. The first Ricci limit space has no open subset which is topologically a manifold, and the second Ricci limit space has two Euclidean tangent cones of different dimensions. This is based on joint works with Xilun Li and Yanan Ye.02报告题目(Title):Volumetric approach to intermittency in fully developed turbulence报告人(Speaker):Roman Shvydkoy (美国 University of Illinois at Chicago) 地点(Place):Zoom 会议 ID:967 537 95058密码:123456Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96753795058 时间(Time):2024 年 5 月 8 日(周三) 9:00--10:00邀请人(Inviter):薛留堂摘要:The classical Kolmogorov-41 ………………………………

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