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违禁翻越长城,两名外籍游客被拉黑丨Two foreign tourists blacklisted

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-05-12 12:28
On April 30, 2021, on the Great Wall, two Senegalese tourists were spotted crossing over the wall at the No 20 Defensive Tower, ignoring the "No Crossing" signs. In response, the scenic spot immediately took corresponding measures, using the ticketing and monitoring systems, to locate the tourists’ information, and put them on a "blacklist," which restricts their ability to purchase tickets in the future. The Mutianyu Great Wall Scenic Spot urged tourists to take their safety and the protection of the Wild Great Wall seriously, so that this wonder of the world can be preserved for generations to come.记者:商桢实习生:洪凯雯Click here for audio and translation of the story ………………………………

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