专栏名称: 聚艺集团
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聚艺集团  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-10 18:28
 银元起源于15世纪,始铸于欧洲,俗称“洋钱”“花边钱”或“大洋”,是银铸币的通称。银元是舶来品,它初入中国,大约是在明朝,但大量流入,则在清乾隆年间以后。市面上有像三帆银币、竹子银币、甘肃造袁大头等一些发行较少的银元。其中流传最广、影响最大、存世最多的银币品种可数袁世凯头像银币,俗称“袁大头银元”。(The silver dollar originated in the 15th century and was originally cast in Europe. It is commonly known as "foreign money", "lace money" or "ocean". It is a general term for silver coins. The silver dollar is an imported product. It first entered China, about the Ming Dynasty, but a large inflow occurred after the Qing Emperor Qianlong. There are some silver coins issued in the market like Sanfan Silver Coin, Bamboo Silver Coin, and Gans ………………………………

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