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沪江英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-27 18:20
South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, best known for his role in the Oscar-winning film Parasite, has been found dead, authorities have confirmed to the BBC.据英国广播公司报道,因出演奥斯卡获奖影片《寄生虫》中的角色而闻名的韩国演员李善均被发现死亡。The actor, 48, was found unconscious in a car in one of Seoul's main parks on Wednesday.周三,这位48岁的演员被发现在首尔某公园的一辆车里失去知觉。It is unclear if Lee took his own life, but police said they received a report that he had left home after writing a note.目前尚不清楚李善均是否自杀,但警方表示,他们接到报案称,李善均在写下遗书后离开了家。He had been under investigation for alleged drug use since October.自 10 月份以来,他因涉嫌吸毒一直在接受调查。In Parasite, Lee played the patriarch of the wealthy Park family which is infiltrated by members of a poor family posing as unrelated individuals. The vicio ………………………………

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