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制作Swift和Objective-C Mixed的Pod

Cocoa开发者社区  · 公众号  · ios  · 2016-12-28 08:11
▲点击上方“CocoaChina”关注即可免费学习iOS开发原文知识背景What is CocoaPodsWhat did CocoaPods do?In Xcode, with references directly from the ruby source, it:Creates or updates a workspace.Adds your project to the workspace if needed.Adds the CocoaPods static library project to the workspace if needed.Adds libPods.a to: targets => build phases => link with libraries.Adds the CocoaPods Xcode configuration file to your app’s project.Changes your app’s target configurations to be based on CocoaPods’s.Adds a build phase to copy resources from any pods you installed to your app bundle. i.e. a ‘Script build phase’ after all other build phases with the following:Shell: /bin/shScript: ${SRCROOT}/Pods/PodsResources.sh大意是,CocoaPods是一个依赖管理工具,使用CocoaPods可以自动的去分析依赖,然后通过脚本去将第三方依赖复 ………………………………

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