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【译文1149】AI的谈判能力,已经越来越像人类了 @ Mat |0208

炸掉西兰花  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-08 19:55
课程导读曾经,杭州夜市上的一个机器人摊主成为了新闻热搜,这位摊主不仅声音甜美,说话幽默,跟客户讲起价来还很利索。当然,讲价机器人可不只是会讲价而已,随着人工智能的发展,将来讲价机器人也许会成为谈生意的一把好手。讲价机器人到底有什么厉害之处呢?本文封面图片选自 wittysparks.com,如有版权问题,请联系删除。本篇课程首发于2021年2月8日英文原文Like a good deal? Maybe a hagglebot can helpBy Padraig BeltonLast month, the Olympics for hagglebots was held: the 11th annual competition for artificial intelligence (AI) that has been trained to negotiate. Called the Automated Negotiating Agent Competition, it pits more than 100 participants against one another, in five leagues. In some leagues they haggle with real-life human subjects. In other ………………………………

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