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道琼斯风险合规  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-07 13:22
周二,助理司法部长Delrahim在司法部宣布成立打击采购共谋新力量的仪式上发表讲话。 图片来源:CLIFF OWEN/ASSOCIATED PRESSThe Justice Department says it is stepping up efforts to target bid-rigging and other types of collusion that cheat the government in the contracting process.美国司法部表示,正在加大力度来打击在承包过程中欺骗政府的串通投标和其他类型的共谋行为。Department officials on Tuesday announced a new strike force to focus on procurement collusion, which occurs when companies seeking business with the government agree among themselves on what prices or bids they will submit instead of competing at arm’s length. The government spends more than $550 billion annually on contracts for goods and services—a total that includes defense spending.司法部官员周二宣布,将成立新的打击力 ………………………………

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